Leg Angle Measurement Assistant

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Leg length differences and alignment problems are widespread, affecting around 70% to 90% of the population [1]. These issues often lead to imbalances, unilateral pain, and can trigger degenerative changes in vital areas like the hips, spine, and knees [2]. The resulting degenerative diseases have seen a significant increase in procedures like total knee replacements, with a doubling in incidence between 2000 and 2016 [3]. Addressing these problems is crucial for overall musculoskeletal health.


Expertise needed

Significant intra- and inter-rater variability [5]


LAMA™ offers complete automation, reducing the need for manual measurements and ensuring consistently accurate results. It significantly increases efficiency, reducing reading times for full-leg radiographs. Additionally, it maintains a consistent level of precision, comparable to expert readers, and accurately measures leg length discrepancies when compared to expert assessments.


Deep learning technology enables automated and precise measuring of leg geometry within of ≤1° to evaluate lower limb deformities

Quick results

The time required for the interpretation and diagnosis of lower limb deformities can be reduced from three minutes to < 1 minute (more than three times faster). This leaves more time for patient care.

Implant support

LAMA™ now supports radiographs with total hip and total knee implants, providing 12 standardized measurements for both pre- and post-surgery radiographs



Up to 90% of the population have leg length discrepancies [6]



An orthopedic surgeon spends over 8 minutes reading and measuring a single full-leg x-ray [4]



The reading time with LAMA™ is reduced by up to 90% [4]

Product description

LAMA™ uses deep learning technology for automated and precise measuring of leg geometry to evaluate lower limb deformities.


● Mechanical Axis Deviation

● Femur length 

● Tibia length 

● Full leg length 

● Length difference between legs (for

bilateral images in the absence of THA)



 Quicker pre-selection by instantly triaging normal and abnormal cases


Increases workflow efficiency by saving reading and reporting time


Reduced risk of inter-rater variability for evaluating long leg radiographs in a standardized manner

Intended use

IB Lab LAMA™ is a fully-automated radiological image processing software device intended to aid users in the measurement of limb-length discrepancy and quantitative knee alignment parameters on uni- and bilateral AP full leg radiographs of individuals at least 22 years of age. It should not be used in-lieu of full patient evaluation or solely relied upon to make or confirm a diagnosis. The software device is intended to be used by healthcare professionals trained in radiology. IB Lab LAMA™ is not indicated for use on radiographs on which Ankle Arthroplasties and/or Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasties are present.

  1. Khamis, S., & Carmeli, E. (2017). A new concept for measuring leg length discrepancy. Journal of Orthopaedics, 14(2), 276.
  2. Knutson, G. A. (2005). Anatomic and functional leg-length inequality: a review and recommendation for clinical decision-making. Part I, anatomic leg-length inequality: prevalence, magnitude, effects and clinical significance. Chiropractic & osteopathy, 13(1), 1-10. 
  4. IB Lab US Market Survey 2020
  5. Vaishya, R., Vijay, V., Birla, V. P., & Agarwal, A. K. (2016). Inter-observer variability and its correlation to experience in measurement of lower limb mechanical axis on long leg radiographs. Journal of clinical orthopaedics and trauma, 7(4), 260-264.
  6. Khamis, S., & Carmeli, E. (2017). A new concept for measuring leg length discrepancy. Journal of Orthopaedics, 14(2), 276.
  7. Paley D, Pfeil J. Principles of deformity correction around the knee. Orthopade. 2000 Jan;29(1):18-38.

What our customers say:

Jack Farr - Orthopedist

ImageBiopsy AI software is highly accurate and efficient within our PACS system, which provides valuable information on the status of the knee along the continuum of chondrosis to arthrosis.

Jack Farr, MD

The integration of the AI ​​solutions by ImageBiopsy Lab into our RIS and PACS is easy and well done. It is fun to work with and the clarity of the visualized report is an ideal support for our patient consultation.

Jochen Mueller-Stromberg, MD

AI-based solutions reduce the amount of work and the findings become more accurate. An objective value is given which can be used both for monitoring and forecasting the progress. We offer something that others don’t have.

Michael Gruber, MD

Exact diagnosis and reproducible follow-up exams are indispensable for a successful osteoarthritis therapy. Software-based methods can assist the physician in the therapy management and adjustment process.

Prof. Jochen Hofstätter, MD